Wednesday, June 10, 2009

God's amazing works..

So I have some time to finally sit and blog.. but here's an update on what's going on in my life and the wonders that God has worked with me..

I have been out here for 10 days and I have loved every single day of it. I haven't had a chance to do a whole lot because of work and still getting used to the altitude. I arrived last Monday (June 1) and started work the following day and worked everyday last week 8-4:30 except for Wednesday I woke up really not feeling well because of the altitude and the massive weather changes that we get out in the mountains. I had my first day off on Monday and just kind of bummed around the YMCA property and just relaxed. I have been doing a lot of walking out here, it's been quite a challenge because everything is either uphill or downhill (no flat ground).

I have 2 other roommates, one from Zimbabwe and one from Florida. Some of the other people I have meet are from all over not only the United States but the world. I have made friends with 2 girls from Jamaica and 2 from Uganda. We all spend a lot of time together.

I am working in housekeeping and I get to help make sure that the cabins and/or lodges are cleaned and ready to go for new guests. The Y out here just opened up a new lodge called Longs Peak and it's three stories, the 1st floor beig underground and the ground level being 2nd floor. But for a couple of days we were in there getting beds made and making sure everything was dusted and ready to go for people to stay out there this past weekend. But right now the Y is kind of slow which they said is really unusual for this time right now but hopefully things will pick up. I did hear that they didn't hire as many seasonal employees as they normally do in the summer which is okay because I am hoping for some overtime. This week has been kind of slow but we get the option of staying till 4:30 helping in laundry or something (which I did yesterday). The people I work with are all very friendly and very nice and understanding.

Today was my second day off for the week and I actually got to go hiking for the first time. I went with 3 other people over the Rocky Mountain National Park and we hiked Bear Lake up the Alberta Falls and about a mile past that. So 2 miles up and 2 miles down, I was really proud of myself, we got some really gorgeous views.

Since I have been out here I have felt much closer to God and I have been doing a lot of deep thinking and a lot of praying. Something that I find absolutely amazing out here is that most of the people out here are Christians and it has just amazed me how supportive all of them have been since I have arrived. There is a group of people out here for the summer with a program called "Leaders in Training" and every Tuesdsay/Thursday night they have worship services where anyone can go and they since songs and have a speaker come and talk with them. I went last night and they talked about how God will always take us back and he talked about Hosea and Gomer. It was just amazing to be surrounded by all of those people especially my age and just be able to worship with them.

But I have been making plans to hopefully go white water rafting and horseback riding. It's nice because a lot of the places around us and even on the Y property we get discounts for being employees. So yeah that about sums what I have been up to so far. I am hoping to get pictures up soon ( I am working on buying a camera this summer) but I hope everyone is well and I miss everyone!!

God Bless!
