Monday, June 28, 2010

Major Update

So I realized that it's been a very long time since I last updated my blog... I am not sure if anyone even reads it but it's kind of nice to be able to write and get it out there..

So what's been going on since December 2009? A LOT!

I have finished my 5th year in college of my undergraduate program and officially have one year left! Whoop!

I had a very good semester ending it with a bang. I am very happy to announce that my sorority Kappa Beta Gamma took home the 2009-2010 Greek Organization of the Year Award, which a very big honor for us. So we are very proud of ourselves for all of our hard work and accomplishments. I also took home the Community Involvement Award, which was very exciting, because it's something that I love to do and will always continue to do Service.

This summer I am working full time at my job, but also working on my internship which is with the Office of Student Life at Marian, which it entails working in a few different offices such as Residence Life, Student Activities, Greek Life, Student Services, etc. It is keeping me very busy and I love it.

I have also decided that I am going to go and get my Masters in Student Affairs in Higher Education, which is basically taking my internship and getting a degree in it. I am looking at schools outside of Wisconsin, I found one that I really liked in Massachusetts and Colorado, so wherever the Lord takes me I am very excited to find out.

Just busy with work and school, taking summer classes as well and loving every minute of my summer. Tomorrow Hannah and some of my sorority sisters are coming to visit and we are going to see Eclipse at midnight :D

I am hoping to blog more this summer and as the year goes on as I finish up my last year of Undergraduate work at Marian and move on to bigger and better things.

I hope your all having a wonderful summer and God Bless!
